In answering questions for many clients considering divorce, I found there are a number of myths that need to be dispelled. This article is an attempt to address some key…
For some women, the idea of divorce might feel liberating. But for many, it’s just plain terrifying — between all the logistical questions of custody and who gets what and…
Rising divorce rates for people over 50 are one reason why an increasing number of older Americans are living alone. As Baby Boomers age, that number is expected to grow…
Litigants who wish to terminate a marriage in California must serve paperwork, called a petition and summons, on their spouse. The paperwork must be filed with the court before it…
If you suspect that your spouse is hiding money from you, it is important to address the issue and take appropriate steps to protect your financial well-being. Here are some…
In California divorce cases, it is not uncommon for parties to hire experts to provide testimony or evidence on various issues. Here are some examples of experts that may be…
In California, cohabitation can affect spousal support obligations. If a former spouse receiving spousal support (also known as alimony) enters into a cohabiting relationship with a new partner, it can…
Divorce can be challenging at any age, but for seniors, there can be unique issues and concerns to consider. In California, seniors who are considering divorce should be aware of…
In California, the division of property during a divorce can be complicated, particularly in high asset cases. High asset divorces typically involve complex financial portfolios, valuable assets, and multiple properties,…
When a couple decides to divorce in California, the process can be lengthy and complicated. Unfortunately, sometimes during a divorce, one of the spouses may pass away unexpectedly. In such…