Our California Supreme Court Chief Justice opined almost 15 years ago how important it is particularly for family law litigants to have easy access to the courts. Unexpectedly, we were faced with the challenge of a devastating pandemic that completely revolutionized how our court processes functions. From challenges come opportunities.
The 21st-century has arrived. There’s no reason to have to charge our clients $1000 or more for a morning court appearance merely because we are tied up for the entire morning with their case waiting around in court to be called. That approach is clearly not the most cost-effective way to handle family law cases.
People are stressed about having to go into court. Some have limited means for transportation others with childcare problems. COVID has not gone away. The Zoom platform elegantly addresses these concerns.
We have a younger crop of judges on the bench. They totally get the benefits of the internet age.
Another thing to consider is the immense cost of the courts of having sheriffs department security and personnel that is scaled back because the physical traffic in the courts have been minimized… another cost savings to the taxpayer.
So my answer is no, there is absolutely no prejudice against anyone who is appearing remotely. It is a favored and essential option based upon the courts mandate to have equal access to the courts.